Tuesday, September 22, 2009

{HHRMA~Bali} Available Positions


Bali Safari and Marine Park
Jl. Bypass I.B Mantra Gianyar - Bali

Urgently required,

Developed Conservation, Education and Recreation Establishment is now looking for some candidates to fill the following positions:

1. Cashier / Ticketing Staff (Female)
2. Public Relation / Education Staff (Female)
3. Project Manager (Civil Engineering - Male)
4. English Speaking Customer Service (Female)
5. Japanese Speaking Customer Service (Female)

6. Receptionist / Telephone Operator (Female)
7. Engineering Staff ( Male )   
If you are interested, please send CV and Resume to: recruitment@tsibali.tamansafari.net or hr_tsi3@tamansafari.net

Best Regards,

HR Team
Bali Safari and Marine Park
Conservation, Education and Recreation
Jl. Bypass Ida Bagus Mantra - Gianyar
Bali - Indonesia
Phone: (0361) 950 000
Fax   : (0361) 950 555

Milis Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bali
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