Tuesday, September 22, 2009

{HHRMA~Bali} Vacancy SPA





 Looking for :

1. Spa Manager :

    - Female

    - Have experience in spa industry min.1 year

    - Exelent skill in English and other languages

    - Able to work under pressure

    - Computer experience

    - Good performance and have strong leadership.

    - Able to make decision.

2. Spa Supervisor :

    - Male / Female

    - Have experience in spa industry min.1 year

    - Exelent skill in English and other languages

    - Able to work under pressure

    - Computer experience

    - Good performance and have strong leadership.

    - Able to make decision.

3. Spa Receptionist :

    - Male / Female

    - Good skill in English and other languages

    - Computer and cashiering procedure

    - Good Performance
    - Fresh graduated are wellcome.

4. Spa Therapys

    - Female

    - Have experience in spa industry min.1 year

    - Able to work under pressure

    - Good performance and have strong leadership.


  Please send CV to : Komang wijaya Kusuma_on Email : jaybali30@ymail.com or send to : Kawas Spa at Melia Benoa Hotel.

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