Friday, October 16, 2009



We are pleased to announce following available vacancies:

Sous Chef

Chef De Partie

Chef De Partie / Bakery

Demi Chef


Male 25 - 35 years old
Female 25 – 35 years old (Sous Chef)
Hotel & Tourism Academy or similar
Minimum 2 years experience in each position
Has experience in International cuisine (No. 1)
Has experience in Western & Cold Kitchen (No. 2 & 4)
Has knowledge in Japanese Food (No. 2 & 4)
English Language skill oral and written
Good performance & has strong leadership
Wiling to work long hours
Energetic and creative

Interested applicants are invited to send in a detailed resume to :

email address:

Only qualified candidates will be notified.

Milis Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bali
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