{HHRMA~Bali} Sports Recreation Attendant, Japanese GRO, Bell Driver & Engineer Attendant [1 Attachment]
Dear Colleagues,
Warmest Regards from Grand Mirage Resort & Thalasso Bali …
Kindly find our updated vacancy Available as below :
1. Guest Relation Japanese
2. Sports Recreation Attendant (Contract & DW)
3. Bell Driver (DW)
4. Engineer Attendant (DW)
Thank you for sharing and Rahajeng Galungan…
Best Regards,
Ruth Triyana Ginting
Human Resource Manager
Human Resources Department
Grand Mirage Resort and Thalasso Bali
Jl. Pratama 74 | TanjungBenoa - NusaDua 80363 |Bali - Indonesia
p: +62 361 771 888 Ext. 8582| f: +62 361 772 148 | e: hrd@grandmirage.com | w: www.grandmirage.com
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