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Showing posts from July, 2009

{HHRMA~Bali} The Most Recently Vacancies of

                   W armest greeting from is glad to inform you that new job openings are found matching your job searching criteria Position Company   Security Manager 5* Hotel in Kuta Apply Entertainment Manager 5* Hotel in Kuta Apply Business Development Manager PT.NACHE Indonesia, Jakarta Apply Waitress Royal Court, Bahrain Apply Waitress Doha Seef Hotel , Qatar Apply General Manager (expat) 5* Local Chain Hotel in Sulawesi ...


  URGENTLY REQUIRED! 1. JUNIOR BUTLER Have worked in the same position for at least 2 year Preferably with F&B Service background in 5* establishment English fluency spoken and written Excellent communication and interpersonal skill Well groomed Maximum age of 28 year old 2. JUNIOR COOK Have worked as Commis for at least 2 years Moderate English fluency spoken Maximum age of 28 year old 3. HOUSEKEEPING DAILY WORKER Preferably Housekeeping Service background Fresh Graduates are excepted Please send your CV with recent photograph (indicate the position you are applying for on the emails subject) before 10 August 2009 to: Email: recruitment@ pantailima. com __._,_.___ Messages in this topic ( 1 ) Reply (via web post) | Start a new topic ...


        Bali Garden Beach & Resort is urgently looking for : Accountant General Requirement & Qualification: - Age max 35 years old - Mature, Highly Motivated and Loyal  - Possess a good command of English - Strong leadership & communication skills, good interpersonal skills - Minimum 2 years experience in similar position - Able and willing to work long hour - Able yo operate MYOB and VHP - Domicile in Bali Please send your Application Letter and CV to the address below, HRD Bali Garden Beach Resort PO. BOX 1062 Tuban Kuta Email: fc@baligardenhotel. com  or hrd@baligardenbeach resort .com   www.baligardenbeach resort. com __._,_.___ Messages in this topic ( 1 ) Reply (via web post) | Star...


  ASTON KETAPANG CITY HOTEL     We are looking for dynamic persons to full fill the positions as :   1.        Chief Accountant 2.        Income Auditor 3.        Cost Controller 4.        F & B Supervisor   Please send your application letter, CV along with your recent photo NOT LATER then 15 August 2009 to:   ASTON KETAPANG CITY HOTEL Jalan R. Suprapto 68A, Ketapang West Kalimantan Email : gm@astonketapang. com __._,_.___ Messages in this topic ( 1 ) Reply (via web post) | Start a new topic Messages | Files | ...

RE: {HHRMA~Bali} Mohon bisa bertukar pikiran...

  Sudah tentu tidak semua jabatan di perhotelan bisa diisi oleh tamatan sekolah perhotelan. Misalnya jabatan-jabatan di bagian Engineering. Sampai saat ini di Indonesia belum ada sekolah perhotelan yg memiliki jursan Engieering perhotelan. Selain Engineering ada bberapa jabatan lain di HRD, IT, Sales dan accounting yg bisa diisi oleh lulusan non perhotelan, asalkan pelamar tsb memiliki niat dan pengalaman yg memadai di bidang yg lowong (misal pengalaman on the job training). Sering sekali terjadi, pelamar lulusan non perhotelan tidak mengetahui jabatan yg diinginkannya. Sehingga di dalam surat lamaran akan ditulis "melamar pekerjaan apa saja yang lowong". Pelamar yg tidak mencantumkan pekerjaan yg dia inginkan akan membuang-buang waktu petugas yg memeriksa surat lamaran. Bisa juga diartikan si pelamar ini orang yg serba bisa, sehingga berani melamar "jabatan apa saja" (kenyataannya tidak ada calon yg baru lulus S1 atau pun S2 dari p...

{HHRMA~Bali} Asst. Director of Finance @ Hotel Bumi Surabaya

  __._,_.___ Messages in this topic ( 4 ) Reply (via web post) | Start a new topic Messages | Files | Photos Milis Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bali �~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~� Anda menerima pesan ini karena Anda tergabung pada grup Untuk mengirim pesan ke grup ini, kirim email ke Untuk keluar dari grup ini, kirim email ke �~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~� ...

{HHRMA~Bali} Available Vacancies @ Bali Safari & Marine Park

  Bali Safari and Marine Park Jl. Bypass I.B Mantra Gianyar - Bali (25 minutes from Denpasar) Urgently required , Some candidates to fill the following positions: 1. Customer Service (female) 2. Cashier / Ticketing Staff (female) 3. Public Relation (female) 4. Bartender (male) 5. Waitress 6. Project Manager (male) 7. Chief Engineer (Male)     If you are interested, please send CV and Resume to: recruitment@ tsibali.tamansaf or hr_tsi3@tamansafari .net Best Regards, HR Team __._,_.___ Messages in this topic ( 3 ) Reply (via web post) | Start a new topic Messages | Files | Photos ...

{HHRMA~Bali} Vacancy Accounting Department

  Dear Colleague   Aston International one of the fastest growing Management companies in South East Asia, is currently welcoming applications for the new 292 room city hotel in Denpasar for the positions :   1. Accounting Manager 2. Income Auditor 3. Account Payable 4. Account Receivable       General Requirements    - Min 2 years experienced in related positions    - Familiar VHP system      All detailed applicants should included CV, photograph, position applied send to hrmanager@astondenp    , only shortlisted candidates will be contacted Coba Yahoo! Messenger 9.0 baru Lengkap dengan segala yang Anda sukai tentang Messenger! __._,_.___ Messages in this topic ( 1 ) Reply (via web post...

{HHRMA~Bali} Vacant position

  Dear colleagues,   Urgently need qualified candidate Daily Worker Status for the positions;   1 Sport & Recreation Entertaiment (SRE)   2. Kid's Club Staff (Female)   3. Bar Boy   Qualifications:   - Max. 23 years old - Min. 1 years experience in the same field - Excellent in English both spoken & written - Hard worker & willing to work under pressure - Able to work as a team - Dynamic, energetic, good performance and good personality - Friendly, smiled, and good courtesy.   If the completed resume (CV & current photo) could be sand to :   HRD Mirage Resorts Jl. Pratama 72-74, Tanjung Benoa Bali 80363, Indonesia   Phone : +62 - 361 - 771 888 Fax     : +62 - 361 - 772 148 E-mail : hrd@grandmirage. com Web   : www.grandmirage. com __._,_.___ ...