Monday, July 27, 2009

{HHRMA~Bali} Butler Service [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Dede Ari Gunawan included below]

Dear Partners and Colleagues,
Warmest Greetings from Bali Citra
Nowadays competition in providing extensive service to guests staying in the luxury hotels and villas is very strong. Butler service is one of the tools to improve service provided to guests. To maintain and provide butler service is expensive or will increase expenses in HR area.
Bali Citra International would like to offer our assistance to organize your BUTLER without any hustle bustle. We are ready for open discussion of how would you like your butler organized.
Let us know of you require further assistance.
Kind regards,


Business Partner

+62 8155 8888 516 / +62 817 9835 999 (M)

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Attachment(s) from Dede Ari Gunawan

1 of 1 File(s)

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