Tuesday, August 4, 2009

{HHRMA~Bali} Fwd: Changing Venue & Date - Registration & Technical Meeting: BPD ICA Bali - Sanur Village Festival 2009


Please forwarded to your Executive Chef,Thanks you

Dear Chefs,

Please be well informed that the Technical Meeting & Registration of Sanur Village Festival 2009 will be scheduled as follow:
            Date               :    10 August 2009
            Time               :    14.00 - Finish
            Venue             :    Nikki International Hotel School

Please share this information to Executive Chef at your property

If you have further questions please contact to below person in charge:

Co – Secretary General ICA-Bali
Executive Chef Conrad Bali Resort & Spa
Phone: +62 361 778 788, Fax: +62 361 778 781
Mobile: +62 813 3852 0521
Email: ekakurniawan@conradbali.com

Thank you


Culinary regards,

Henry Indrawan Asmara
Public Relations of Bali Indonesian Chef Association

Business Development Manager - The Facilitator Indonesia
email     : indra.asmara@thefacilitator-indonesia.com 
mobile  : 081 835 4488 or 0811 388 345

--- On Fri, 7/31/09, Indra Asmara - The Facilitator Indonesia <indra.asmara@thefacilitator-indonesia.com> wrote:

From: Indra Asmara - The Facilitator Indonesia <indra.asmara@thefacilitator-indonesia.com>
Subject: Registration & Technical Meeting: BPD ICA Bali - Sanur Village Festival 2009
Date: Friday, July 31, 2009, 11:07 AM

Dear Chefs
Considering the members request, The Committee decided to extended the registration period until 7 August 2009.
Technical Meeting will be held at Sekolah Perhotelan Bali Jl. Kecak 10 August 2009 at 14.00
Contact Person for this event will be: 
Co – Secretary General ICA-Bali
Executive Chef Conrad Bali Resort & Spa
Phone: +62 361 778 788, Fax: +62 361 778 781
Mobile: +62 813 3852 0521

Warmest regards,

Henry Indrawan Asmara
Business Development Manager
Public Relations of Bali Indonesian Chef Association

The Facilitator Indonesia
email     : indra.asmara@thefacilitator-indonesia.com 
mobile  : 081 835 4488 or 0811 388 345

--- On Sat, 7/18/09, Indra Asmara - The Facilitator Indonesia <indra.asmara@thefacilitator-indonesia.com> wrote:

From: Indra Asmara - The Facilitator Indonesia <indra.asmara@thefacilitator-indonesia.com>
Subject: BPD ICA Bali - Aturan Perlombaan - Sanur Village Festival 2009
Date: Saturday, July 18, 2009, 12:48 AM

Need you assistance to forwarded to your Executive Chef.

Dear Chefs And Associates...

Shortly BPD Indonesian Chef Association Bali will held the THE 7th CULINARY CHALLENGE 2009 at Sanur Village Festival, the event will be held 12 - 16 August 2009. This regular event in Bali were participates by many 5 stars International chain hotels and many famous local chain hotels.

This year, with most of attractive & challenging class of competitions, compete with only the best creative, innovative & talented team in Bali, will you take a chance to be one of the best?

You are required to register you team to below committee at earliest possible.

Chairman BPD ICA-Bali dan Ketua Panitia Bali Culinaire Challenge 2009
Executive Chef Bali Tropic Resort & Spa
Phone: 0361 772130, Fax : 0361 772131, Mobile : 081-835-8907,
Email : chef@balitropic-resort.com

Vice Chairman BPD ICA-Bali
Executive Chef Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel & Suites
Phone: 0361 281781, Fax: 0361 281782, mobile : 0812-396-7719.
Email adiarsana@sanur.pphotels.com

Co – Secretary General ICA-Bali
Executive Chef Conrad Bali Resort & Spa
Phone: +62 361 778 788, Fax: +62 361 778 781 Mobile: +62 813 3852 0521

Thank you for your assistance, please share this information to your associates by forwarding this email.


Culinary regards,

Henry Indrawan Asmara
Public Relations of BPD Indonesian Chef Association Bali

Business Development Manager - The Facilitator Indonesia
email     : indra.asmara@thefacilitator-indonesia.com 
mobile  : 081 835 4488 or 0811 388 345

Milis Hotel Human Resources Managers Association Bali
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