Wednesday, October 21, 2009


[Attachment(s) from echo Anto included below]

Exciting Restaurant + Bar Employment Opportunities


A new restaurant + bar experience is set to open soon in Seminyak!

Consequently, we need some of Indonesia's best people to form a team that will at all times deliver the most superb restaurant and bar experience on the island of Bali!


We have the following positions available for…

        Hostess x 2

        Shift managers x 3

        Bar Managers x 3

        Waiters/Waitresses x 10

        Security Staff x 4

        Chefs x 3

        Cooks x 3

        Kitchen hands x 2


You must be able to start early November 09. The best salaries and conditions paid for the most suitable people!


For information and job description for each position please contact… or call 081237584334

Lebih bergaul dan terhubung dengan lebih baik.
Tambah lebih banyak teman ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang!


Attachment(s) from echo Anto

1 of 1 File(s)

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