Thursday, November 19, 2009

{HHRMA~Bali} Be a High Quality Company With A + PLUS [2 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from Edutainment Plus included below]

Dear Sir or Madam,


Warmest greeting from A+ PLUS Hospitality Management!


We are pleased to introduce to you A+PLUS Hospitality Management. Our specializations are Hospitality Learning & Development, Recruitment & Staff Outsourcing. We also have an experienced management team for Villas and Private residence. 


Our training program can cope all your hospitality needs, from the service skill level up to the managerial level. We also develop people through our Learning and Development programs and assist our villa / hotel partner in staffing subject matter through our Recruitment & Outsourcing division. We may ensure you that your hospitality needs from training; staffing and villa management is in the right hand.


Please review the enclosed catalogues. If you are interested and respond by calling (+62 361) 257 859 or sending an email to, you will be entitle to a special price. This is a limited offer and we are pleased to assist you in your hospitality needs.


If you need to discuss the subject thoroughly, we will arrange a meeting schedule in your convenience time.


Thank you for your business and 'set a positive thinking in your mind'.



Warm regards,




Learning & Development Consultant

A+PLUS Hospitality Management

Office: +62 361 257 859


Attachment(s) from Edutainment Plus

2 of 2 File(s)

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