Thursday, July 23, 2009

Re: {HHRMA~Bali} Supervisor HK,FO & Butler


iwould like apply as supervisor HK,now i work at Aston Denpasar as senior room attd

--- Pada Kam, 23/7/09, yosea lenny <> menulis:

Dari: yosea lenny <>
Judul: Re: {HHRMA~Bali} Supervisor HK,FO & Butler
Tanggal: Kamis, 23 Juli, 2009, 3:40 AM

Dear all,

Private Villa & Spa urgently required some candidates to fill following positions

1. Supervisor Hk
2. Front off staff
3. Staff Hk

With qualification

1. Male/Female max 25 years old
2. Good Communication
3. Good health dan Grooming
4. At least 1 year experince in the same field
5. Speak english

If you are insterested, please send cv and resume
to yos_qknon@yahoo. com

Best regards,
Operasional team


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